Prompt 2 Brainstorming Session

For my brainstorming session, I first began with reading Prompt 2. Then, I skimmed through each reading I was going to be using for my essay and comparing to one another. After that, I identified the strongest points in each piece of reading. I like to do this while brainstorming just so that I can simply capture what I read in each piece in a couple of sentences. I only used points from the pieces that I knew would be beneficial to me while writing my essay. For King’s piece, I pointed out how technology had not distracted him but actually helped him focus on what he was trying to accomplish. For Restak’s piece, I used one of his points and am planning on using it as a nay-sayer paragraph in my essay. And for Anderson’s piece, I pointed out some things he learned through the internet and used his defense that distraction can actually be a good thing for individuals. Grasping these main ideas from each piece of writing helped me to build some mental connections between each of them.

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