500 Word Essay Source Evaluation

The essay I chose is titled, “Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Relationships: Findings from an Open-Ended Survey.” It discusses a broad list of pros and cons of technology in relation to life tasks, relationships, and many other categories. What I like about this essay is that it’s biggest focus is how technology affects relationships; … [Read more…]

Bill Wasik’s Round 1 Questions

In my marginal notes I mostly just summarized each section I had read in a short phrase. I find this helps me remember the most important topics and messages from each section or paragraph of the page. I found it interesting how deeply Wasik developed his idea of boredom that he based these two pages … [Read more…]

Prompt 2 Brainstorming Session

For my brainstorming session, I first began with reading Prompt 2. Then, I skimmed through each reading I was going to be using for my essay and comparing to one another. After that, I identified the strongest points in each piece of reading. I like to do this while brainstorming just so that I can … [Read more…]

Prompt 2 Brainstorming Session

For my brainstorming session, I first began with reading Prompt 2. Then, I skimmed through each reading I was going to be using for my essay and comparing to one another. After that, I identified the strongest points in each piece of reading. I like to do this while brainstorming just so that I can … [Read more…]