Making Connections Outside of ENG 110

I had to go through the recursive process outside of class when I first joined the swim team. I was already a fairly strong swimmer but I did not yet know how to do flip turns. A flip turn is when you are approaching the wall and do a somersault underwater and then push off in the opposite direction. This saves time by minimizing the amount of breaths you take and allows you a faster method of changing direction. It is extremely easy to well once you have mastered it but the tricky part is just learning how to do it correctly for the first time. Lucky for me, I had an amazing coach. She worked individually with me on my flip turns and never gave up, even though it did take me several tries. She would observe each of my efforts and then would correct my form and have me try again. When I finally conquered this skill I was so proud. My experience overcoming an obstacle and eventually perfecting my flip turns is an experience I will never forget and will always feel accomplished for.

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